Friday, January 6, 2012

Would Indian Politics will always deserve such Criticism??

Respect  Or  Fear

“Bhagwan ave tyarej Mandir Dhovana”

Confused?? With the title of the Post and the Above Sentence??
With the reading of the following post, all your confusion would be Vanished with a Conclusion that , Yes this situation is Recently prevailing in our country

Scene 1:-
House Cleaned..
Rooms Washed..
Garbage Out..
Pleasing Aroma..
Beautiful Verandah..
Twinkling Lights…
The above all Features would be Observed in every home of India during Any Festivals….


Scene 2:-
Roads Cleaned..
Street Lights on..
Govt offices open till 10 P.m
Gathering of all Staff till late night meetings..
Welcome Banners..
Reconstruction of Broken Roads..
Perfect Water Facility..
This all features would be observed in any city of India when any Big Authority Officer or the Big Politician is going to come to the city… Now you can Co-relate it with my Above statement “Bhagwan ave tyarej Mandir Dhovana”

This makes me Wonder, “Are we Loyal to Our Work only when, We are Looked up by the Higher Authority? Should I call it as RESPECT or FEAR?” yes, my Post is a Critic to the Indian Politics and Indian Government. And would Like to share with you the True incident of my city to support this Post

I live in one of the small city of Gujarat. The Population of the city would be hardly round 5 lacks. It’s a Peacefull city, but not so attractive. U may find Broken Road, Open Gutters, Roaming Animals, Open Garbage, Splitting design around you. One day it was Shocking for me, I Was passing through the city and I found,
“ Construction of Roads, Coloring all the Public Places, plantation of 1000 Trees, Cleanliness All around, Not a Single cow on the Road, Dust Free atmosphere, A series of Led lights on a a long Road of 10 k.m. It was so shocking, Astonishing and a Mild Happy Expression for me, but it went all in vain when just a few min later my eyes caught the Hoarding “ Welcome Shri Narendra Modi to our City on 26th January 2010” Everything was Falling on to its Place in my mind, the Reason for all this.

Was that a Respect of Narendra Modi or was a Fear of Narendra Modi?, Was Feeling Lack of answers. All govt officers were at their Best work. The 3 days Were like the Heaven of Gujarat, my small City, I haven’t seen Such a Beautiful city. Was so happy that my city is changed, its Pollution free and a Cleaned city. I Was Thank Ful to Narendra Modi Sir, that only due to Him I could see such a difference, no Matter whether The Politicians of The city did it due to fear of him. But…….. it dint last long…..
3 moths latter, all those days were back, a Broken Beautiful Dream. The Originity was back. Even if now roads are broken , Garbage open, no one cares. Govt Officers Himself Split infront of us on Road, This made me to a Conclusion, Its Not a Respect but its FEAR… and a critic to Indian Politics, the thing is at its right place only when Higher Autority approaches you..

I am sure, we all might have experience this in our life in one way or Another…

The Blog Name "STAY RAW"
just ask
Are we Raw?
Is Indian Politics Raw?

Thank you...


  1. First of all good artcl... :-)
    you should push it frwd...
    My view...
    Look am not saying that mine or any city including ahmedabad is perfect today... But the most affecting factor is mindsets in end public... Thats only the difference behind all developement... Recent scenario, i would like to share:
    we were at st some nights ago at 2 am approx... A lcb(local crime branch) officials were on patrolling. They haulted at tea stall there and were having tea and snacks... Suddenly a group near them were giggling near them and some of them were looking one of that officers non-intentionally... Then one of the officer came towards them and asked them why you all were laughing at us... They said that they were not laughing at them but they were with their talks... But that officer started beating one of them like an animal... After 5 min all matter cleared... All were with their own business... Chapter closed... Then i told the owner of tea stall that it was disgusting and crap but instead of agreement from him i was stopped and told that "ahi evu j chale"... I told that if it hpns wid me i would have fight back and if i am nt in fault thn no one can evn touch me... Bt they all were sayin tht "satta same praja nu na chale." i said tht am in damocracy... Bt they hv only one point- BAPU...
    Now u see rajkot has more num of bapu thn surendranagar... Bt still i hvnt met with incdnt like ths...
    First of all the end public has to come frwd to fight... None can do ths eithr...
    Its also jst my views... Nt official or personal to any1...

  2. @krutik

    First of all Thank u for ur interest and Reply...
    and ya u r rite, Though Belonging to the same city i would not Regret in Telling, that in this city the main Problem is Communalism.. Ya there are few who have the Real power and they do make use of the power in good way

    bt there are few who Misuse the Effect of the thier Surnames.. i have Being living in Ahmedabd since many years, its my second home abd the Difference i find, that there is No communalism there, there people dont knw u by ur surnames bt they knw u by ur Work....
