Saturday, November 24, 2012

Elections :- The Political WAR Festival

"ELECTION - 2012"

The most Discussed, the most viewed, the most heard word in the recent time is " ELECTION". Seems like this year, diwali is less celebrated compared to Election. In TV channels, radio channels, newspapers, hoarding boards on roads, everywhere there were glimpses of the candidates and the respective parties for the election.

Here, i am not to criticize any of the factor or any part related to election, but just want to share my few thoughts which i think is core important for the election...

Some people are too lazy to vote., they do think that a single vote of theirs would not make any difference in the government, but they forget that at the same time, if thousands of people do think like them then it would make a large difference.. Each and every vote is valuable and important.

People do complain about the government, their works, but these are the same people who were lazy to vote.. if you do not take your responsibilities properly then you have no right to speak about the government . 

 As the time of Election is approaching near, we all must have decided in our mind, whom to vote and whom to make your city representative. We all know that each and every vote is important and valuable.

i here by just want to say, think many time before you vote, your vote may help to decide your own next 5 years... Almost all parties have announced their candidate.. i request, 

consider the work of the person , the ability of the person for the real vote, dont include the factors of Religion or the party or the caste.... 

some people do think that , a person belonging to definite caste is a candidate then he would definately do good for the people of his caste if he wins, what is the use then??  Chooses a candidate who works for the country , rather than a definite caste or creed. 

If you consider that the candidate is the person who can handle the responsibility of the real political leader, vote him/her. no matter of what caste, creed or party they belongs .
And dont only consider your own city, but also look forward to our state as well as our country... 

Thank you. 

All the best to all the candidates, may the deserving person win. and pray for the welfare and prosperity of our country.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Money Does not grow on Trees ( A statement which all the Politicians need to follow first)

When i was in my childhood Era, my parents taught me in various ways the real value of MONEY, whenever i used to force my parents to buy me any thing which actually was not at all necessary for me, they used to tell me :
" there is no need for any such a thing then why you need to waste money on it " and then too when i used to show my Obstinacy for it they used to tell me one sentence
"Son, Money does not grow on trees",

At that time those words had no effect on me, actually i was not that mature to understand those golden words. As the time passed i got mature, i came to deal with the Social life, or we can say the Money life and began to step up my understanding and thoughts about the real value of money .

But in the recent times before few weeks a news headline lead me to think at some other level, i frowned and thoughy of my past when our Honorable Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said in one of the Interview
" There was a keen need of increasing in the price of few necessary stuff as Money does not grow on trees "

Since last few years we came across many problems in our country, mainly related to Price rice of all the necessary stuff in our Day to day life
Petrol , Cooking gas, Diesel , Electronics etc etc etc..... and when it was asked to our PM, he in a conference said the above sentence. That event made me to think deeply and began to ask question, do really Politicians know the real value of money ? ?

If i would be asked then my answer would be NO.... Politicians are leading their life not with their own money, they do lead life with the Government money... if we enlist them then:-

Politicians move in the cars whole over the country, the petrol is being provided by govt.
Politicians or any govt officer's telephone bill are provided by Govt.
The house or the quaters are provided by govt.
if we enlist each and every thing, i would need another paper...

I would say, if all those money are to be payed from the Politicians Pocket only, i guarantee you the price of those things would decreases immediately next day, because at that time they would know the real value of money

The recent thing which made me more frustrate when govt declared that a person is not considered under poverty line if they had 16rs Per day food..... What the Crap thought they had, 16rs Per day????? How Insane they are ? Are they making fun of the poor people and Middle class family ??? what food you get in that amount..??? and when a party was organized for politicians, at that time Per plate price was 7650Rs......

I would like to ask you all people, Now can u justify that sentence of PM
"Money does not grow on trees "

Monday, April 9, 2012

IPL - Indian Money, Foreign Pockets.. (Hiding Indian Talents)

IPL - The mixture of Sportsmanship, Entertainment, Money and Of-course Waste of Indian Talent....

Indian Premier League, the Name Itself Focus the Word, INDIA, bt i guess the name should be Non-Indian Premier League.... Reading the Title of the post and the First line, u might get into a Question that my Criticism is toward the IPL or something, but the fact is my Criticism is toward the Migrating Money which are going from the Indian Hands to the Foreign Pockets.....

India, where the Cricket is the Religion, where the Players are the GOD and we are the disciples, at that place the injustice being done to the Indian Talents only. India, where at every Society there is a person who dream to be next Sachin Tendulkar, at every place there is a one who wants to be Next Kapil dev, bt at the same time there are people who thinks, investing their Valuable money on the Foreign Talents are more beneficial..

Let me get direct to the Point,
As per the Data of IPL - 2011
 IPL had 8 Teams: -
Each Containing 16 Players.
Total:-  128 Players
Non-indian Players :- 76
Indian Players - 52
Click on this link to see all Non-indian Players of IPL 2011


We have Businessman , actors who have purchased their Respective teams, 70% of the their Amount goes to the Pockets of Foreign players, where as the same money they could have used to rise the Indian talents, the emerging Indian Cricket team.. Its a Habit of India, if India lose single match, we criticize that we dont have those talents, the fact is the Real talent is still struggling in any part of the country.. Instead of Auctioning    the Ono-indian players, they could the Selected the players Playing for the Ranjit Level, and give them a chance and at that time u could see the Real Indian Talent..

For those Struggling talents, Money does not matter, but just getting selected and playing for India matters,
Supppose approx each Non-indian Players get 1 crore Rs, then those total 76 Crore ruppes they could have Invested in India itself and u get its Revenue back few years later for sure...
And for the people who Watch IPL for the Entertainment Purpose would get the same from India too...

All the Best of the Indian Religion. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Building a positive attitude

There was a man who made a living selling balloons at a fair. He had all colors of
balloons, including red, yellow, blue, and green. Whenever business was slow, he would
release a helium-filled balloon into the air and when the children saw it go up, they all
wanted to buy one. They would come up to him, buy a balloon, and his sales would go up
again. He continued this process all day. One day, he felt someone tugging at his jacket.
He turned around and saw a little boy who asked, "If you release a black balloon, would
that also fly?" Moved by the boy's concern, the man replied with empathy, "Son, it is not
the color of the balloon, it is what is inside that makes it go up."

The same thing applies to our lives. It is what is inside that counts. The thing inside of us
that makes us go up is our attitude.
Have you ever wondered why some individuals, organizations, or countries are more
successful than others?
It is not a secret. These people simply think and act more effectively. They have learned
how to do so by investing in the most valuable asset--people. I believe that the success
of an individual, organization or country, depends on the quality of their peop le.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A contradiction to "What is there in Name?" Thinking in INDIAN villages

What is there in Name? - William Shakespeare

A tree is known by its Fruit, and man by his Deeds - Sikh Philosophy

 The above two Sayings are very familiar to almost all of us.... we are quite aware about the Meanings Which is being Pop-up from those Sayings... A question to be asked, Are those sayings are being taken in to account every where?

Give a Slight Jerk and a bit torture to ur Resting mind and ur Answer would be "NO". A good Side to be seen that such a Saying are being taken in to account in most of the part of India, but when we look at the Corners, or i guess the core of india, that is Villages, it might Get u in a Postion of Thinkings that It doesnt Happen Really...

In major part of the Villages in India, a person is not Known by their Deeds, but are knwon by their Names, actually i would like to put it in Double Inverted Commas, , by their "SURNAMES". We have heared in our life that a Person is Born without Name but dies with the name, but slap yourself because they dont prevail in Villages, here a Person is Born with their Surnames, and rules lifetime with their Surnames.

Here a person is never bothered about the work he do, but he Always Live with his MOst Prestigiuos name, i guess Surname.... they want People to be threatened coz they belong to particular Family or particular caste-creed.... Which according to me is Totally Flawless and useless... Need Hands to remove such Descrimination..

Some do actually a good use of it by doing Good Work for the Welfare of the People, and they are actually known for their Work as well as their Names, but some just knows to Misuse it...

Hence every time i do say,
"इस देश में दो भारत रहता है"

Friday, January 6, 2012

Would Indian Politics will always deserve such Criticism??

Respect  Or  Fear

“Bhagwan ave tyarej Mandir Dhovana”

Confused?? With the title of the Post and the Above Sentence??
With the reading of the following post, all your confusion would be Vanished with a Conclusion that , Yes this situation is Recently prevailing in our country

Scene 1:-
House Cleaned..
Rooms Washed..
Garbage Out..
Pleasing Aroma..
Beautiful Verandah..
Twinkling Lights…
The above all Features would be Observed in every home of India during Any Festivals….


Scene 2:-
Roads Cleaned..
Street Lights on..
Govt offices open till 10 P.m
Gathering of all Staff till late night meetings..
Welcome Banners..
Reconstruction of Broken Roads..
Perfect Water Facility..
This all features would be observed in any city of India when any Big Authority Officer or the Big Politician is going to come to the city… Now you can Co-relate it with my Above statement “Bhagwan ave tyarej Mandir Dhovana”

This makes me Wonder, “Are we Loyal to Our Work only when, We are Looked up by the Higher Authority? Should I call it as RESPECT or FEAR?” yes, my Post is a Critic to the Indian Politics and Indian Government. And would Like to share with you the True incident of my city to support this Post

I live in one of the small city of Gujarat. The Population of the city would be hardly round 5 lacks. It’s a Peacefull city, but not so attractive. U may find Broken Road, Open Gutters, Roaming Animals, Open Garbage, Splitting design around you. One day it was Shocking for me, I Was passing through the city and I found,
“ Construction of Roads, Coloring all the Public Places, plantation of 1000 Trees, Cleanliness All around, Not a Single cow on the Road, Dust Free atmosphere, A series of Led lights on a a long Road of 10 k.m. It was so shocking, Astonishing and a Mild Happy Expression for me, but it went all in vain when just a few min later my eyes caught the Hoarding “ Welcome Shri Narendra Modi to our City on 26th January 2010” Everything was Falling on to its Place in my mind, the Reason for all this.

Was that a Respect of Narendra Modi or was a Fear of Narendra Modi?, Was Feeling Lack of answers. All govt officers were at their Best work. The 3 days Were like the Heaven of Gujarat, my small City, I haven’t seen Such a Beautiful city. Was so happy that my city is changed, its Pollution free and a Cleaned city. I Was Thank Ful to Narendra Modi Sir, that only due to Him I could see such a difference, no Matter whether The Politicians of The city did it due to fear of him. But…….. it dint last long…..
3 moths latter, all those days were back, a Broken Beautiful Dream. The Originity was back. Even if now roads are broken , Garbage open, no one cares. Govt Officers Himself Split infront of us on Road, This made me to a Conclusion, Its Not a Respect but its FEAR… and a critic to Indian Politics, the thing is at its right place only when Higher Autority approaches you..

I am sure, we all might have experience this in our life in one way or Another…

The Blog Name "STAY RAW"
just ask
Are we Raw?
Is Indian Politics Raw?

Thank you...